Budget Help

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Getting Started
  3. Work with Accounts
  4. Work with Envelopes
  5. Work with Income
  6. Record Transactions
  7. Work with Transactions
  8. Calendar
  9. Investments
  10. Calculators
  11. Import/Export/Sync
  12. Reports/Statistics
  13. Preferences

Record Your Pay

If you have set up your allocations use the Transaction > Record Pay... menu command or click the RECORD PAY toolbar button. See the Handling Income section for more information about pay sources and pay allocations.

If you have not defined any pay sources or have not set up pay allocations for your envelopes, you can deposit your pay by using a Split Deposit and distribute the amounts to your envelopes manually.

Recording a pay

The RECORD PAY window displays a table with a description for each defined pay source.

  1. Change the date if desired.
  2. Check the checkboxes next to any pay to be recorded.
  3. Click the RECORD button if your pay is always the same amount and you do not want to make last minute adjustments to your envelope allocations.

Your pay will be distributed to your envelopes based on the allocations shown in each envelopes Pay Details section. If you have set a limit on the amount of money that can be placed in an envelope, any excess over the limit will be transferred to the "Available" envelope.

Clicking the ADJUST PAY ALLOCATIONS will bring up the Split Deposit window with the pays selected in the bottom table. You will be able to make adjustments to the total amount of the pay as well as the amounts going in to the individual envelopes.

Note: Pays entered with the Record Pay window show up in the balance window as separate transactions. See the Split Deposit topic for entering multiple pays as a single deposit.

You can record your pay at any time. However, the date determines the pay of the month allocations that Budget uses. For bi-weekly pay sources, dates from the first of the month to the fourteenth of the month are considered the "first pay of the month", dates from the fifteenth to twenty-eighth day of the month are the "second pay of the month", and the remaining days are the "third pay of the month". For semi-monthly pay sources, the first of the month to the fifteenth of the month are considered the "first pay of the month", and everything else is the "second pay of the month".

As you change the date Budget determines the pay of the month and sets the selector in the table. You can override the pay of the month that Budget will use by selecting a different pay in the selector.

Example: If today's date is 4/23/05 when you start the Record Pay command, that date is displayed in the date field. Assuming that you defined a pay to be bi-weekly, the pay selector would display "2nd Pay". Changing the date to 4/12/05 would cause the program to distribute the funds according to the definitions for the first pay of the month. Likewise a pay defined as "weekly" would display as "4th Pay".

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