Budget Help

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Getting Started
  3. Work with Accounts
  4. Work with Envelopes
  5. Work with Income
  6. Record Transactions
  7. Work with Transactions
  8. Calendar
  9. Investments
  10. Calculators
  11. Import/Export/Sync
  12. Reports/Statistics
  13. Preferences


The calendar can be displayed by using the Tools > Calendar... menu command.

The calendar window is used to show Budget reminders (future or past due recurring transactions) and To Do items. On the right side of the calendar are two lists. The top list shows the selected day's due reminders, and the bottom list shows the selected day's To Do items.

Click on a specific date to show To Do items and Reminders (repeating transactions) for that day. A date with a scheduled To Do item is displayed with a green (by default) triangle covering the lower right half of the date. A date with a scheduled reminder transaction is displayed with a yellow (by default) triangle covering the upper left half of the date. Reminders and To Do items that are overdue will be displayed in red by default. You can set what colors you want the calendar window to use in the Colors preference pane.

Click on the arrows to the top left and top right of the calendar to change the month. You can also choose the month from the popup menu at the top of the window. You can select a different year by typing the complete year (with century) into the text field.

Check the box at the top of the reminder list to work with all your reminders

If there are any due (or overdue) reminders or To Do items, the calendar window will be displayed when you open a document. There is a preference setting for always displaying the calendar when you open a Budget document.

Synchronize with iCal

iCal is Apple Computer's calendar application for Mac OS X. If Budget is running on Mac OS X v10.2 or later, you can easily have iCal display Budget reminders and To Do items.

Simply click the UPDATE ICAL button on the calendar window, and iCal will be launched (if it's not running already) and data on all reminders and To Do items will be passed over to iCal. Within iCal, a calendar named "Budget" will be created to contain all of these items.

Warning: If a calendar named "Budget" already exists, when the UPDATE ICAL button is clicked, all existing items will be removed from the "Budget" calendar within iCal before the current items are added. This keeps iCal up to date, but will result in data loss if you have added items to the "Budget" calendar within iCal by hand.

There is also a preference setting available to have Budget automatically update iCal any time a reminder is created, changed, or recorded. Using this feature, iCal will be launched (if it wasn't running already) and it's "Budget" calendar will be updated with the new information.

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