Budget Help

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Getting Started
  3. Work with Accounts
  4. Work with Envelopes
  5. Work with Income
  6. Record Transactions
  7. Work with Transactions
  8. Calendar
  9. Investments
  10. Calculators
  11. Import/Export/Sync
  12. Reports/Statistics
  13. Preferences
 See Also:
Entering Data for Transactions
Reminders: Repeating Transactions
Setup Check Printing

The Currency Converter Window

The Currency Converter window can show an amount in one currency converted into many other currencies. You can also set up the Quick Convert popup menu and edit the currency conversion rates from this window.

Currency Converter window

Enter a number in the field at the top and choose a currency from the popup menu on the right. The table displays that amount converted into each of the currencies that Budget knows about.

The Quick Convert Popup Menu

Place a check mark in the QUICK column to place a specific conversion into the Quick Convert popup menu. A sample Quick Convert popup menu appears at the top of this window so you can see all of the conversions you have placed in it. The various transaction windows in Budget (check, deposit, ATM, etc) also have a Quick Convert popup menu that adjusts the amount field for that transaction by the selected conversion rate.

Example: Select the "Euro" from the popup menu at the top of the window and check the "Brazilian Real" line in the table. This places a "Euro to Brazilian Real" conversion in the Quick Convert menu. To also add the "Brazilian Real to Euro" conversion, select "Brazilian Real" from the popup menu at the top of the window and check the "Euro" line in the table.

Currency Exchange Rates

Budget ships with built in average currency exchange rates that are current at the time it ships. You can download updated rates stored on the Snowmint Creative Solutions web site using the EDIT RATES drawer. The Snowmint web site will generally have rates that are one to two days old. New currency rates can be downloaded automatically by the automatic update feature of Budget.

Warning: The currency exchange rate data shipped with Budget and downloaded from the Snowmint web site is obtained from sources believed to be reliable but Snowmint Creative Solutions LLC does not guarantee it's accuracy, completeness or correctness.

The exchange rates are all in terms of $1.00 U.S. Dollar. The exchange rate information can be edited directly in the table in the EDIT RATES drawer. New currencies can be added and currencies that are irrelevant can be removed from the list.

Any updated rates that are downloaded or entered are stored on the system hard drive in the /Library/Application Support/Snowmint folder. If that folder can not be written to (due to user permissions) the updated rates are stored in the home/Library/Application Support/Snowmint folder for the current user. If that folder is also read only, then the updated rates are only stored in RAM until Budget is quit.

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