Budget Help

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Getting Started
  3. Work with Accounts
  4. Work with Envelopes
  5. Work with Income
  6. Record Transactions
  7. Work with Transactions
  8. Calendar
  9. Investments
  10. Calculators
  11. Import/Export/Sync
  12. Reports/Statistics
  13. Preferences

Envelope Statistics

Envelope statistics provide information on how well you are keeping within your budget allocations. You can display statistics for a single envelope (regular or investment), a group, or the entire budget. Use the Envelopes > Statistics... menu command or click the STATISTICS toolbar button with the envelope, group, or nothing selected. To show the statistics for an investment envelope hold the Control key and click on the investment envelope to bring up the context menu, then select "Envelope Statistics".

Note: Statistics must be shown on a monthly basis.

Use the date range popup to set predefined date ranges or set the starting or ending dates to any date you want. Statistics can be shown in any of 3 ways.

Statistics shown as a line graph

Statistics as a line graph screenshot

Statistics shown as a bar graph

Statistics as a bar graph screenshot

Statistics shown as a table

Statistics as a tablet

Note: Showing the statistics for the entire budget (nothing selected) is a good way to determine if you are keeping within your budget. In this case the balance line is the key since it shows the trend of your spending. If it is staying level then you are keeping to your budget. If it is going up then you are getting ahead. If it is going down you may want to take some corrective action.

Deposits are any money entered from each pay or any deposits made directly to the envelope. Expenses are the total of all checks, debits and ATM's written during the month. The checkboxes for showing transferred amounts are set based on the options set for this envelope. See the "Options" section of the Working With Envelopes topic. You may toggle this to see the amounts transferred.

For the table view, the PERCENT column is the percentage of expenses against the amount of deposit. The bottom two lines in the table show the total for the year and the monthly averages. Percentages above 100% show that you have not been keeping within your budget.

The graph view also shows the monthly balance. You can use the radio buttons to select either the AVERAGE or CUMULATIVE balance. AVERAGE balance is the average of all transaction balances for a given month. CUMULATIVE balance is the amount in the envelope at the end of the month that is carried over to the next month.

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