Budget Help

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  9. Investments
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Asset Allocation

To setup your investment allocations use the Tools > Investment menu command to display the investment accounts window and then click the Asset Allocations button. The Asset Allocation window will be displayed.

Investment asset allocation window

Click the Add button to add a new investment allocation. Double click the name or Target Percent to change them. The total of the percents for all allocations must equal 100%. You will see a warning message if the total is not 100%.

The Target Allocation pie chart is set according to the target allocations you set in the table at the top. The Current Allocations pie chart is set based on the current value of all your investments that have their asset allocations set. To set the Allocations for each investment use the main investment window and double click the investment. The investment window will open. Use the Asset Allocation button to show the drawer.

Investment asset allocation window

Double click the allocations percent column to set the correct allocation for this investment. The total of the percents for all allocations must equal 100%. You will see a warning message if the total is not 100%. When the total equals 100% the investment will be used as part of the total on the main Asset Allocation window.

Note: You can also set the asset allocations for a standard bank account by setting the checkbox. Check the checkbox to actually use them as part of the current allocation.

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